Home Heating

Gas Heating


Our gas consumption using ducted gas heating only, March 2009:

Therm Hours Outside Inside Curtains Gas m3 m3/hour·°C
Night 21 °C 1.15 13.5 °C / 12.5 °C 22.4 °C / 20.7 °C 20% 4662.6 / 4663.5 0.09
Night 21 °C 1.00 16.4 °C / 16.2 °C 20.4 °C / 20.4 °C 0% 4676.5 / 4676.8 0.07
Day 20 °C 2.32 10.6 °C / 12.4 °C 19.4 °C / 19.6 °C 10% 4689.2 / 4690.7 0.08

Estimated heat loss = 0.08 x 38.6 = 3.1 MJ/hour °C (3.7 cents/hours·°C) = 860 Watts/°C

So to heat the house 20°C warmer than outside requires 17kW. Sounds about right as our heater is rated as 25kW and it does handle 20°C difference 'okay'.

Gas supplier's data

March 2009.

Cost: 1.20 cents/ MJ = 1.20 cents per 277Watts per hour = 0.004 cents per Watt per hour.

Heating value: 38.6MJ/M3

Wood Heating

To measure the effectiveness of our fireplace I measured gas heater gas consumption when the fire is lit.

Measurements with fire lit (March 2009):

Therm Hours Outside Inside Curtains Gas m3 m3/hour·°C
Day 20 °C 1.17 10.4 °C / 10.7 °C 20.2 °C / 20.7 °C 5% 4724.7 / 4725.1 0.04
Day 20 °C 0.90 10.7 °C / 10.9 °C 20.7 °C / 20.7 °C 5% 4725.1 / 4725.5 0.04

So, the wood fire saves us 0.04 m3/hour·°C gas, which means that the wood fire's output (measured at 10°C difference), was equivalent to 10 x 0.04 m3/hour which is 15 MJ/hour or 4.2KW. This is a cost saving of 17 cents per hour.

So, If we use the fire, on average, for 4 hours a day for 5 months then it saves us about $100 per year. The fireplace insert we installed did cost us about $2,000 so it will need to last 20 years to break even. This seems unlikely, so the wood fire is nice but not a financial success unless we only heat the lounge room (turn the gas heater off). Funny that, being green seems to always come to consuming less.

Double plane windows

(Using SI R-values)

Single pane glass window - R-0.18
Double pane glass window - R-0.35

Considering cost savings of changing to double pane glass, the difference is R-0.17.

W = K·m²/R = K·m²/0.17 = 6·K·m²

So for:
  K = 15°C
  m² = 1

W = 90

That is, to maintian a 15°C difference accross a window will require 90Watts less power per m² if double pane.

This is a cost saving of 0.36 centers per hour per m².

So if we heat 8 hours a day a 2 x 1.5m window, the cost saving is 2x1.5x8x0.36 = 8.6 cents per day = $2.60 per month. Not worth the expense.

Average Temperatures

For Mount Dandenong (°C):

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Mean Max 22.1 22.9 19.7 15.4 11.7 8.8 8.2 9.6 11.6 14.8 17.3 19.9
Mean Min 11.5 12.6 11.3 9.0 6.9 4.4 3.6 4.2 5.0 6.8 8.3 9.8
Calc mean1 - - - 12.2 9.3 6.6 5.9 6.9 8.3 10.8 12.8 -

So, from the above table I take the average outside temperature for April to November (8 months) as 9.1 °C.


From wikipedia:
The world-wide definition of R-value is kelvin square meters per watt (K·m²/W), using the SI system.
American customary units, used in the United States, measure R-value in degrees Fahrenheit, square feet hours per Btu, (ft²·°F·h/Btu). This is commonly written in the form R–## (eg. R–19). The conversion is 1 ft²·°F·h/Btu ≈ 0.1761 K·m²/W, or 1 K·m²/W ≈ 5.678 ft²·°F·h/Btu.

I'm using SI system.

R = K·m²/W

so ...

W = K·m²/R


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